Dr. Manu Seyfzadeh. March, 16, 2023 1. The Penniston Code is a bona fide, Hynek Scale, Close Encounter of the Third Kind; Bloecher subtype F. It’s one of the rarest, if not THE communication candidate from an intelligent agency that is not from our own time. Therefore, if authenticated, it ranks at the top of all UFO-related encounters reported in the history of the phenomenon. It deserves a thorough appraisal. 2. Provenance: The source is credible by virtue of its credentials. The various critiques that have been launched against it have to do with perceived a) delay in reporting, b) note book irregularities, c) some of the coordinates mentioned in the code, and d) the overall implausibility of a message from the future and a message from Earth, as opposed to an extra-terrestrial location. However, all these critiques miss one of the chief take-aways of the code: It authenticates itself without relying on Jim Penniston or any other human being. 3. The Penniston Code, i