One of the most relevant facts to emerge from the Rendlesham binary code received by Jim Penniston as claimed, is that TWO of the seven sets of geographical coordinates found in the binary code brings attention to the latitude (29.9766248*N) that ran through Giza in 1980 (the coordinates at that time due to tectonic drift). Remember, December 1980 was when the Rendlesham Incident took place. This latitude ran through Giza at a significant point on the Giza plateau in respect of the monuments. It represented the ‘golden cut’, in that this latitude divided the Phi-ratio to which the three pyramids were each positioned by 1 and 0.618. Through just two simple calculations (multiplying by 32 and then dividing by 7) the numbers of this latitude 29.9766248 presents us with the number 137.03599908. This number is the inverse (reciprocal number) of ‘alpha’ (the fine-structure constant) - the most mysterious number in physics. What is extraordinary is that the number 137.03599908 is the latest